
A virtual fairytale Fairytales, as children well know, are not stories about contemporary, everyday reality.The world inhabited by fairytales is a timeless, nebulous region, rather like a dream world.Fairytales, like dreams, speak the symbolic language of the human unconscious.They function like a bridge between the rational and the irrational mind;Out of the union of which is forged the human personality. The telling of fairytales or 'folktales' is a most ancient and universal custom.Tales were once told of halfhuman, halfanimal creatures and of elves, fairies and witches.Now there are new tales, of halfhuman, halfrobot beings confronting and cavorting with Aliens from outer space.And what is also interesting, many people in many diverse cultures claim to have seen"Aliens", just as in days of yore many claimed to have seen fairies and witches, etc. Are these people lying?I doubt it.Do children lie when they claim to see fairies?I don't believe they do.In fact, i believe they are telling the truth.They really do see fairies.And unicorns.And a host of other supernatural, irrational phenomena.Not because these things are tangibly real in an objective sense, but because they are tangibly real in a subjectivesense.The validity, click here to see more info or truth, of subjective experience is never questioned by a child.It is only the rational adult, with his persistent if yet tenuous grip on consciousness, which questions or even dismisses subjective truths. How vast and unknown are the depths of the human psyche!The entire history of the human race seems contained therein, an undifferentiated mass of instinct, belief and emotion.It is ancient and enormous, dwarfing our young and fragile consciousness.It is little wonder we should seek to repress it, and deny it expression as much as possible.And yet, the penumbral human unconscious asserts itself continually in our music, art, film, television, dance, and literature.In its deepest depth lies the secret meaning of life. For children, fairytales and myths are rich foods with which to feed a developing consciousness.Their subjective truths are easily digested and contain strong moral fibre.The characters in fairytale and myth are purely functional in nature;They are clear archetypes of good and evil, and represent aspects of the self, rather than whole or complete personalities.Through his or her identification with the positive archetypes in a story, a child Princess Wedding Dresses fosters the healthy development of the relevant aspects of his or her own personality and character. The tale of the robber bridegroom was originally written by the brothers grimm.It is one of their most controversial works, due to its' violent content and theme of cannibalism.What is interesting to me about the violence in this story, is the lack of pomp and circumstance surrounding it.The violence is neither heroic nor glorified;It is strictly base and demonic.The robber bridegroom is overcome through the cleverness of the heroine, and not by use of force.The message is overtly antiviolence. Delving into the subtext of the robber bridegroom, one discovers where the magic of this fairytale resides.Lifting the mask of the cannibal robber, the jungian archetypal symbol of an overpowering animus is revealed.1 Literally hungry for female flesh;The robber/animus symbolically consumes the feminine psyche.The only hope for the heroine survival is to expose his crime to the semiconscious light of judgement. (The telling of her 'dream' at their wedding. )The severed finger with the golden ring is both the literal and symbolic proof of crime. The Cheap Flower Girl Dresses gold ring is an ancient symbol for the self.The severed finger is both a literal testament to, and a symbol of, an incomplete self.Read on this level, the tale of the robber bridegroom is the story of a spiritual quest for selfhood, from a feminine point of view. In this sense, all fairytales are spiritual quests.Unfortunately, much of the post modern revisionism currently in vogue has transformed a lot of traditional texts in manners which render their original meanings obsolete.It is my hope that this virtual fairytale website, created by flashlight productions group, is a true reflection of the spirit of the original tale of the robber bridegroom, and also of the spirits of the brothers grimm.Enjoy the magic Cheap Dresses UK Sale of fairytales!

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